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Order Paper to be prepared and circulated

40. (1) The Order Paper shall be prepared by the Clerk, showing the business to be placed

before or taken by the Assembly and the order in which it is to be taken, including a notice paper showing the business for each sitting day of the week, together with such other information as the Speaker may from time to time direct.

(2) The Order Paper shall be published in the Assembly website and shall be made available to members, at least twelve hours before the Assembly meets, but a supplementary Order Paper shall be made available at least one hour before the Assembly meets.

Weekly programmes of the business of the Assembly

41. The Clerk shall prepare and publish on the Assembly website, weekly programmes showing the business of the County Assembly and the schedule of sittings of the various committees and shall circulate such programmes to Members, County Departments, and the media not later than the Friday of the week preceding such business.

Sequence of proceedings

42. (1) Each day after Prayers have been said and the County Assembly has been called to

order, the Business of the Assembly shall be proceeded with in the following sequence-

(i) Administration of Oath;

(ii) Communication from the Chair;


(iv) Petitions;

(v) Papers;

(vi) Notices of Motion;

(vii) Statements;

(viii) Motions and Bills

(2) Business shall be disposed of in the sequence in which it appears in the Order Paper or in such other sequence as the Speaker may, for the convenience of the Assembly, direct.

(3) On Tuesday morning, a Bill or a motion not sponsored by the Majority or Minority Party or a member belonging to the Majority or Minority Party or by a Committee, shall have precedence over all other business in such order as the House Business and Rules Committee shall ballot

(4) The Speaker shall direct the Clerk to read the Orders of the Day without question put.