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Messages to and from the Senate

43. (1) A message from the Assembly to the Senate shall be in writing and shall be signed

by the Speaker.

(2) The Clerk of the Assembly shall transmit a message from the Assembly to the Clerk of the Senate and shall receive messages from the Senate.

(3) The Clerk shall deliver to the Speaker a message received from the Senate under

paragraph (2) at the first available opportunity after receipt and in any event not later than the next day not being a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.

(4) If a message is received from the Senate, at a time when the Assembly is in session, the Speaker shall report the message to the Assembly at the first convenient opportunity after its receipt and in any event not later than the next sitting day.

(5) If a message is received from the Senate, at a time when the Assembly is not in session, the Speaker shall forthwith cause the message to be transmitted to every member and shall report the message to the Assembly on the day the Assembly next sits.

(2) When the Speaker reports a message from the Senate under paragraph (4) or (5), the message shall be deemed to have been laid before the Assembly and the Speaker may either-

(a) direct that the message be dealt with forthwith, or

(b) appoint a day for the consideration of the message; or

(c) refer the message to the relevant Committee of the Assembly for consideration.

Messages from the Governor and the Senator

44. (1) The Speaker shall read to the Assembly any message from the Governor or the

Senator of the County delivered to the Speaker for communication to the Assembly.

(2) If a message is received from the Governor or the Senator of the County, at a time when the Assembly is not in session, the Speaker shall forthwith cause the message to be transmitted to every member and shall report the message to the Assembly on the day the Assembly next sits.

(3) When a message from the Governor or the Senator of the County is read, the message shall be deemed to have been laid before the Assembly and the Speaker may either-

(a) direct that the message be dealt with forthwith, or

(b) appoint a day for the consideration of the message; or

(c) refer the message to the relevant Committee of the Assembly for consideration.