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Members general statements

45. (1) Notwithstanding Standing Order 32 (Hours of Meeting), the Speaker may interrupt

the business of the Assembly every Tuesday at 3:00 pm to facilitate members to make general statements of topical concern.

(2) A member who wishes to seek leave to raise a matter under this standing order shall, before 10:00 am on the day the statement is to be made, hand to the Speaker a written notification of the matter, but the Speaker shall refuse to allow the request unless satisfied that the matter may properly be discussed in the County Assembly.

(3) No member making a statement under this standing order shall speak for more than three minutes, unless with permission of the Speaker.

Statement Hour

46 (1) Notwithstanding Standing Order 42 (Sequence of Proceedings), there shall be time,

to be designated Statements Hour, every Thursday, commencing not later than 3:00 pm.

(2) During the Statements Hour-

(a) a member of the House Business and Rules Committee designated by the

Committee for that purpose shall, every Thursday or on the last sitting day, for not more than ten minutes, present and lay on the Table, a statement informing the Assembly of the business coming before the Assembly in the following week;

(b) the Leader of the Majority Party, or the Leader of the Minority Party as the case

may be, or their designees may make a statement relating to their responsibilities in the Assembly or the activities of a Committee;

(c) A member may request for a statement from the Committee chairperson relating to matters under the mandate of the Committee and the Speaker may either appoint a day for the statement or direct that the statement be issued on the same day.