Standing Orders »



Election of Deputy Speaker

6. (1) Within 30 days after the swearing in of the Speaker under Part II of these Standing Orders, the Assembly shall elect a Deputy Speaker from amongst its members who shall preside over any sitting of the Assembly in the absence of the Speaker as contemplated under Article 178(2) (b) of the Constitution, and in matters that directly affect the Speaker.

(2) The member elected pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly and shall, in the absence of the Speaker, preside over the sittings of the Assembly as Deputy Speaker for the term of the Assembly.

(3) The procedure for electing the Deputy Speaker shall, with necessary modifications, be the same as that prescribed for the election of the Speaker under Part II of these Standing Orders.

(4) If the office of the Deputy Speaker falls vacant at any time before the end of the term of the Assembly, the Assembly shall, as soon as practicable, elect another Member to the office of Deputy Speaker.

Deputy Speaker to be Chairperson of Committees

7. (1) The Deputy Speaker shall be the Chairperson of committees and shall preside over all Committees of the whole House.

(2) If the Deputy Speaker is absent or if the Deputy Speaker or any member of the Speakers Panel considers that it is desirable that he or she should take part in any proceedings in Committee otherwise than as the person presiding; the Speaker shall take the Chair.

Speakers Panel

8. (1) There shall be a panel to be known as the Speakers Panel which shall comprise of the Deputy Speaker and not more than four members and who shall be entitled to exercise all the powers vested in the Chairperson of Committees except as chairperson of Liaison Committee

(2) As soon as practicable after the election of the Deputy Speaker, following a general election, the Speaker shall, in consultation with the Leader of Majority party and Leader of Minority party, submit a list of four names for consideration by the House Business and Rules Committee.

(3) The House Business and Rules Committee shall, within seven days of receipt of the names of the nominees table the list in the Assembly and give notice of motion for approval.

(4) Whenever a motion for approval under paragraph (3) is moved in the Assembly, no objection against the proposed membership on the Speakers Panel of any particular member shall be permitted and objections, if any, shall be formulated and considered against the proposed membership as a whole.

(5) In nominating the members of the Speakers Panel, the Speaker and the House Business and Rules Committee shall have regard to the relative party majorities in the Assembly and shall ensure, so far as shall be practicable, that at least two members of the Panel is from either gender.

(6) The approval of the members of the Speakers Panel under this Standing Order shall be deemed to constitute an election for purposes of paragraph (3) and either of the members of the Speakers Panel may preside over the House in the absence of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Discharge of a Member from Speakers Panel

9. (1) The Speaker may, in writing, to the House Business and Rules Committee give

notice, that a member is to be discharged from the Panel.

(2) Within seven days of receipt by the House Business and Rules Committee of a notice under paragraph (1), the House Business and Rules Committee shall consider the notice and give notice of motion to replace the member.

(3) The discharge of a member of the Panel shall not take effect until the Assembly has approved the motion for replacement under paragraph (2).