Members of County Assembly (2013-2017) »

Members of the County Assembly of Murang'a (2013-2017)

Murang’a County was established after the general election of March 4, 2013. The members were sworn into office on March 22, 2013. The members also held an election for speaker of the county assembly on the same day, as a result of which the Honourable Hon. Leonard Nduati Kariuki was elected. The official opening by the governor of the county was done on April 18, 2013.

Regrettably in the year 2016, the County Assembly mourned the passing on of Hon. Peter Kariuki Njogu, a nominated Member representing persons living with disability. The Assembly remembers him for great demonstration of humility, diligence and commitment in his duties as a family man, a leader and as an advocate of persons living with disabilities. He was never timid in advocating for the rights of the physically challenged and was a great debater in the County Assembly. He was always in touch with issues of governance, legislation and representation. May his soul rest in peace.

Founding Members of the County Assembly

Name Ward
Hon. Moses Gachui Mungai Kihumbuini – Deputy Speaker
Hon. Peter Irungu Kihungi Kanyenyaini – Leader of Majority
Hon. Samuel Ndehi Mwangi Muguru
Hon. Peter Mweri Maina Rwathia
Hon. Duncan Mwangi Njuguna Gitugi
Hon. Julius Maina Kimani Kiru
Hon. Joseph Kimani Machiri Kamacharia
Hon. Isaac Mwangi Kamote Wangu
Hon. Samson Kago Njoroge Mugoiri
Hon. Joseph Njoroge Mwangi Mbiri
Hon. Charles Mwaniki Karina Township
Hon. Martin Mwangi Macharia Murarandia
Hon. Rosemary Wakuthii Njiine Gaturi
Hon. Erick Kamande Kimani Kahumbu
Hon. Samuel Dishon Wandia Muthithi
Hon. Caroline Wairimu Njoroge Kigumo
Hon. Anderson Muchemi Waweru Kangari
Hon. Charles Mwangi Kirigwi Kinyona
Hon. Eliud Gitau Kabuthi Kimorori/Wempa
Hon. Danson Mburu Muchoki Makuyu
Hon. David Kabaka Gachuru Kambiti
Hon. John Njoroge Gitau Kamahuha
Hon. Joseph Ndungu Njogu Ichagaki
Hon. Jesee Mburu Gitau Nginda
Hon. James Kariuki Ngugi Ngararia
Hon. Peter Murigi Ngugi Muruka
Hon. Francis Kamande Kamau Kagunduini
Hon. Bernard Wanyoike Kariuki Gaichanjiru
Hon. Joseph Kimani Gitau Ithiru
Hon. Boniface Njihia Mbogo Ruchu
Hon. Esther Nyakio Munywoki Ithanga
Hon. John Kiarie Ngugi Kakuzi/Mitubiri
Hon. James Njoroge Kariuki Mugumoini
Hon. Joseph Ndungu Muchina Gatanga
Hon. David Muhoro Njeri Kariara

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries also gazzetted the names of Members of County Assembly nominated to represent special interests in accordance with the Constitution of Kenya (2010) and the County Governments Act of 2012. The following names were published.

Hon. Wangechi Florence Nyambura Persons with disabilities
Hon. James Benson Kagoni Youth
Hon. Mary Watiri Kariuki Women
The late.Hon. Njogu Peter Kariuki Persons with disabilities
Hon. Lucy Wangechi Njoroge
Hon. Esther Wanjiru Ngugi Persons with disabilities
Hon. Mary Waithera Njoroge Women
Hon. Agnes Ndunge Mutwiwa Women
Hon. Jane Wanjiku Ndegwa Women
Hon. Rebecca Mwicigi Women
Hon. Charity Wangui Women
Hon. Catherine Wairimu Mugo Women
Hon. Beth Wanjiku Ngugi Women
Hon. Cecilia Gitu Women