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Journals of the Assembly

229. All votes and proceedings of the Assembly shall be noted by the Clerk and shall constitute the Journals of the Assembly.

Custody of Journals and Records

230. (1) The custody of the Journals and Records, whether audio, electronic or any other

form, including all papers and accounts howsoever presented to or belonging to the Assembly, shall be vested in the Clerk, who shall unless otherwise prohibited by any law, allow their access by the public.

(2) The Clerk shall publish the Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly within forty eight hours of any sitting.

(3) The Speaker may make rules to regulate the access by the public to Journals and Records under paragraph (1).

Hansard reports

231. (1) There shall be published within forty eight hours, a verbatim report of all

proceedings of the Assembly, unless the Speaker is satisfied that this is rendered impossible by some emergency.

(2) Every Member shall have an opportunity to correct the draft verbatim report of his or her contribution, but not so as to alter the substance of what the Member actually said.

(3) Where there is doubt as to the content of the verbatim record of the Assembly, the Speaker shall make a determination.

Secret or personal matters

232. The Speaker may direct any matter which, in the Speaker’s opinion, is secret or purely personal to be excluded from the Journals of the Assembly and from the verbatim report of the proceedings of the Assembly, and to be the subject of a separate verbatim report, which shall be kept in the custody of the Clerk and made available only to Members.

Broadcast of Assembly Proceedings

233. (1) The proceedings of the Assembly may be broadcast.

(2) The broadcasting of the proceedings of the Assembly shall comply with the Rules set out in the First Schedule of these Standing Orders.