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Assembly Broadcasting Unit

1. (1) There is established the Assembly Broadcasting Unit, which shall oversee the

broadcasting of Assembly proceedings.

(2) Unless the Assembly otherwise directs, the Assembly Broadcasting Unit may broadcast the proceedings of Assembly and provide access to Assembly information.

Assembly privilege

2. Audio and visual digital footage of Assembly proceedings shall be covered by the laws relating to Assembly privilege and shall be kept as part of the records of the Assembly, under the custody of the Clerk of the Assembly.

Television broadcasting

3. When broadcasting the proceedings of the Assembly on television, the following guidelines shall apply-

(a) the camera shall focus on the Member recognized by the Chair until the Member has finished speaking;

(b) group shots and cut-aways may be taken for purposes of showing the reaction of a group of Members to an issue raised on the Floor;

(c) wide-angle shots of the Chamber shall be used during voting and Division and no shot shall be taken so as to show the manner in which a Member has voted in any secret ballot.

(d) officers of the Assembly taking an active role in the proceedings may be shown;

(e) the occupant of the Chair shall be shown when taking and leaving the Chair and whenever he or she rises;

(f) press and public galleries shall not be shown except as part of the wide angle shots and during important functions as may be determined by the Assembly Broadcasting Committee;

(g) no close-up shots of Members’ papers or reference materials may be shown.

Radio broadcasting

4. When broadcasting the proceedings of the Assembly on radio, the following guidelines shall apply-

(a) audio recording shall be restricted to proceedings of the Assembly and the Committees;

(b) commentaries during a live broadcast shall be limited to the introduction of a matter under debate and of the Member on the Floor.

Protection of the dignity of the Assembly

5. (1) Officers of the Assembly Broadcasting Unit shall conduct themselves in a professional

and impartial manner, giving a balanced, fair and accurate account of proceedings.

(2) Shots designed to embarrass unsuspecting Members of Assembly shall not be shown.

(3) Recordings of Assembly proceedings may not be used for purposes of political party

advertising, ridicule, commercial sponsorship or any form of adverse publicity.

External media

6. (1) In these Rules, “external media Assembly” refers to any media assembly other than the

Assembly Broadcasting Unit.

(2) No external media assembly or other person may broadcast any proceedings of the Assembly except as received from the broadcast feed provided by the Assembly Broadcasting Unit or with the permission of the Speaker.

(3) A media assembly that receives a broadcast feed from the Assembly Broadcasting Unit shall broadcast it without any manipulation or distortion.

(4) No camera or other recording or broadcasting equipment shall be allowed in the Assembly without authorization.

(5) Accredited journalists shall be allowed access to designated areas for purposes of following the proceedings and taking notes and any journalist so allowed shall observe the Standing Orders and these Rules.

Breach of broadcasting Rules

7. (1) Any person who fails to comply with these Rules shall be liable to such penalty as the

Assembly may approve on recommendation by the Assembly Broadcasting Committee.

(2) The Assembly Broadcasting Committee shall develop procedures for the enforcement

of these Rules.


8. These Rules shall apply for the broadcasting of Assembly proceedings in the Assembly, in Committees and, with necessary modifications, in other Assembly proceedings and events.