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Standing Orders »

(1) In All Cases Where Matters Are Not Expressly Provided For By These Standing Orders Or By Other Orders Of The Assembly, Any Procedural Question Shall Be Decided By The Speaker.(2) The Decisions Made In Paragraph (1) Shall Be Based On The…   + More info

Proceedings On Assembly Of A New County Assembly4. (1) Whenever A New Assembly Is Elected, The Governor Shall, By Notice In The Gazette, The Date Of The First Sitting Of The New County Assembly, Which Shall Not Be More Than Thirty Days From The Date…   + More info

Part Iii – Deputy Speaker And Speakers Panelelection Of Deputy Speaker6. (1) Within 30 Days After The Swearing In Of The Speaker Under Part Ii Of These Standing Orders, The Assembly Shall Elect A Deputy Speaker From Amongst Its Members Who…   + More info

Leader Of The Majority Party And Deputy Leader Of The Majority Party 6. (1) The Largest Party Or Coalition Of Parties In The Assembly Shall Elect-(a) A Member Of The Assembly Belonging To The Party Or Coalition Of Parties To Be The Leader Of The…   + More info

Part V – Address By Governor, Senator And Visiting Dignitarygovernor’s Address On Opening Of A New County Assembly6. (1) The Governor Shall Address The Opening Of Each Newly Elected Assembly.(2) At The Conclusion Of The Governor’s…   + More info

Presiding In The Assembly27. The Speaker Shall Preside At Any Sitting Of The Assembly But In The Absence Of The Speaker, The Deputy Speaker Or A Member Of The Speakers Panel Shall Preside. Date Of The First Sitting Of A New Assembly28. Whenever A…   + More info

Quorum At Commencement Of The Assembly36. (1)a Quorum Of The Assembly Or Of A Committee Of The Whole Assembly Shall Be A Thirdof Its Members.(2) If There Is Not A Quorum Present When The Chair Is Taken, At The Time Appointed For A Meeting Of The…   + More info

Part Viii - Order Of Businessorder Paper To Be Prepared And Circulated40. (1) The Order Paper Shall Be Prepared By The Clerk, Showing The Business To Be Placedbefore Or Taken By The Assembly And The Order In Which It Is To Be Taken, Including A…   + More info

Messages To And From The Senate43. (1) A Message From The Assembly To The Senate Shall Be In Writing And Shall Be Signedby The Speaker.(2) The Clerk Of The Assembly Shall Transmit A Message From The Assembly To The Clerk Of The Senate And Shall…   + More info

Members General Statements45. (1) Notwithstanding Standing Order 32 (hours Of Meeting), The Speaker May Interruptthe Business Of The Assembly Every Tuesday At 3:00 Pm To Facilitate Members To Make General Statements Of Topical Concern.(2) A Member…   + More info

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