In the past few weeks, there has been an increased public exchange of accusations and counter accusations in Murang’a County. Whereas, in a democratic society, public opinions and even criticism is proper and indeed healthy, the recent utterances, exchange and behaviour of certain leaders go beyond the acceptable practice of democratic rights and civilised exchange.

Questions raised must be raised with civility and equally they must be answered with civility and not with insults.

Whereas, it is right to call public meetings to go and correct a misunderstanding of facts, it is very uncouth for any leader to call a meeting to insult another leader or use of uncivil language.

A leader who responds to criticism with insults and abuses shows immaturity and is thus not a good model to the youths who follow him and do his will. He/she should be above hecklers and correct the youth where they go wrong.

Most of the problems within the County Government arise by the various players not understanding or deliberately ignoring the Constitution and the Laws of the land. Sometimes it would seem to deliberately create a crisis.

The Constitution has very clearly defined roles of the Governor, MPs and MCAs.

When however, one chooses to play the role that is not his or hers, the ideas that the others have no role at all and that only his views are right, forms the foundation for major problems.

As regards to the County Executive and the Assembly, the Constitution and the County Governments Act are very clear.

The Assembly has no role in executing the day to day management of the County Government Programmes. The Assembly is quite clear on that.

I would like to therefore to emphasis on the following;

1. The County Assembly of Murang’a has not and will not consent as has been alleged in certain quarters to allocate Ksh. 20M per ward or Ksh. 700M to all MCAs to manage projects in their wards.

The money to be budgeted for small projects in the ward will be managed by the Executive and the projects will be chosen by the public in the respective wards as agreed during public participation meetings.

I will make sure any clause that may suggest otherwise is deleted from the relevant Law.

2. The County Assembly will not give any “illegal” loans or mortgages outside the parameters given by the Constitutional bodies in writing.

3. The Assembly is answerable to the Senate for any misuse of funds allocated to it.

It must be understood that one of the primary duties of the Assembly is to oversight the Government of the County and ensure transparent and rational use of public funds. It is a job they will do without fear or favour.

The Executive need not fear any enquiry about any issue. All they have to do is to present facts to the relevant committees of the House and if all is well that is the end of the matter.

On the current issue of debts owed to suppliers and contractors, the facts and figures have been disputed by the Executive in public meetings but not officially. The Assembly has capable Committees working on the issue and will soon make public their findings.

I appeal to all leaders and the public not to overplay the issue until the committees produce their findings which I can assure you will be based on verifiable facts, figures and not fantasy, hearsay or politics.

However, I wish to warn the CECs that summons by House Committees have the same authority as the Court summons. It is a criminal offence not to attend summons.

Let us build our Murang’a on the basis of truth and patriotism. Truth shall make us free.




