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Office of Deputy Speaker

  • Hon. Moses Gachui Mungai, Deputy Speaker

Office of Deputy Speaker

Pursuant to the Murang'a County Assembly Standing Orders that stipulates that within 30 days after the swearing in of the Speaker the Assembly shall elect a Deputy Speaker from amongst its members who shall preside over any sitting of the Assembly in the absence of the Speaker as contemplated under Article 178(2) (b) of the Constitution, and in matters that directly affect the Speaker. Hon. Moses Gachui Mungai- MCA, Kihumbui-ini Ward was elected as the Deputy Speaker.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in community development, Diploma in social work and a certificate in county governance.

Greatly experienced in governance of the County Assembly having been the 1st Member of the County Assembly representing the people of Kihumbu-ini ward, the first Deputy speaker of the County Assembly and a member of the County Assembly Service Board.

A former councilor in the defunct municipal council of Thika.

He is currently the Deputy Speaker and Chair of the Liaison Committee of the Assembly.


